Friday, June 29, 2007
10:57 PM
took a walk home in the drizzle just now. xp
the light rain splashing. kinda woke me up.
the vision feels wider and haha. dunno. just an amazing feeling!
but it was so so cold.. hahaha.
with e beautiful sky, i fear no tough road!
i've always liked to stare up the sky at.. dunno wad for. but it seems like a mirror to me ! my feelings come across clearer to myself? and as i lift up my head, i feel the wind. much more free-er ? hahaha. rubbish lar!
wished a little for dat walk to stretch further.
wished much more for you to walk beside. x) nonsense!
guess i'm starting to find dat balance! between council, redcross, studies. my pillars of motivation never collapse.
some great supportive friends in council.
a challenge to bring up tkgrcy standard. " cos i'm quek ying qi " quoted from my squadmates!
patient encouraging teachers whom i musnt disappoint!
with the beautiful sky, i fear no tough road.
4:14 AM
must plan squad bbq !
ingredients :
3.ORANG UTAN--sooming
7.TEDDY BEAR--kirstie
13.OLD LADY--jia en
16.NOODLES--si min
wahhs! wonderful dishes! hahas.
some toppings to be added!
1.MONKEY--maam sarah
2.PIG--maam yan ying
NOt forgetting COCONUT aka TUNA, dwarf 1, dwarf 2 ! oOps! only 17 pple know who dey are. hahahaha.
-blOateD! haha. xp
dat's for my squad and here's to VIP!
was watching the vip video and arhhh!! the course of 30 strong VIs !
ex humanity--0707 blessing at pulau ubin
doing footdrill-- march march turn turn salute
charlie goes to vip one fine day.. we broke e karma.. we wish u a merry xmas
firedrill with socks on wet field
evacuation and den hearing screams along the corridors at night in campsite
hahas.. dose were the fake casualties being evacuated. hahahas. we've got to improve more on our skills!
ROAST CHICKEN! wahhs! i miss dat poor chicken! that tastiest chicken-poxed chicken! hahaha.
not forgetting our VI pledge and our 10 core values! VIP ! TO LEAD WITH PRIDE! HUHA! and e phrase dat always make us slow in reaction-- HIT IT! hahahahas.
of course not forgetting these peeps:
muhammad--that great chap whom i can pour all my complains to at times!
shane--that funny guy !
xiqing--always crazy-ing arnd wif me!
royce--funny mad guy!
my sources of motivation for jc life !
they are whom i call f.r.i.e.n.d.s.
to all juniors: must jiayous for ur studies!! =D thanks so much at times for encouraging me! hahas.
oh no. my maths file's not ready and i've to go school in a few hrs' time! =( so dead.!
bye! 14 mths to alvl. get out of jc life! =X
Thursday, June 28, 2007
12:39 AM
...perhaps certain things are only meant to be experienced and not to be kept ? we dont have the ability to store everything right! hahas. the story of a pencil ! =D
everything seems to be changing ! cant cant cant wait for jc life to be OVERR. oh wells. no matter how. the responsibility is now on me, i cant let it down ! piggy back it all de way till end of jc life! jiayous. heh.
reallie fun when around with dose rc peeps!
dun reallie need to bother about anything when with them. =)
tkgrcy! we haven given up! our goal -- EUA Gold! get it back! yea. jiayous unit!
*diAmOnds In tHe rOugh! the pressure must be high! before diamonds are moulded.
even after ulp, i learn more things about being an instructor ;)
midyears over.. but.haix.wont be scoring well =(
everything's just different! things are changing ! but i know i miss my squadmates still. sometimes i dont even dare to listen to " Reach! " haha. we are always there for WE. =D this part of the song always ringing in my head !
When the world
Leaves you feeling blue
You can count on me
I will be there for you
When it seems
All your hopes and dreams
Are a million miles away
I will reassure you
We've got to all stick together
Good friends are there for each other
Never ever forget that
I've got you and you've got me so
yoOu.... hmmmm. dunno la ! haha. quote from tanglin: dun tink too much. hahahaha.
tAkecAre n sweEt drEamS !! maam sarah's coming backkkkk!! =))
Friday, June 15, 2007
12:09 AM
our journey begins..!

orientation run starts our bond. fought our easy way up to bukit timah summit but. that's not our destination. MacRitchie reservoir here we go! dat wasnt an easy one. rock path was scary! thanks qijun sir being dere for me n joanne maam. seriously. a2 and me! tho on different path, i screamed louder to let them hear me and dey cheered louder to let me know dat they're dere! i felt that connection in dat no reception area. ;) as we moved on. the entire alpha platoon met at jelutong tower and i wana commend a1! we succeeded! from the last group, last platoon, to the top! well done! one big step to unit leaders! =) alpha platoon at the wooden bridge! the image's still fresh in my mind. we are alpha unit leaders! alpha family!

memories and fun. beyond words.
great job to my A2 during AOP! need not be afraid when things go wrong, alphatwo 9 brave souls stood strong and braved the storms as one. =)
campfire night! wonderful spirit! alpha identity! trainers had great fun wif DOUBLE-CHIN MICKEY MOUSE! lolx! =p wana say goodjob to a3 as organising comm when i was their DT. you guys handled the probs i gave well. =) jianfu sir taught me how to blow fire! =D reallie melted when a2 asked me to join them for bbq.. =:)
ex impartiality was definitely not a simple barrier to cross. 0707 blessing! stormy and windy! and i bumped my head on the lamppost! =( baluku so pain! luohan! but was reallie touched by everyone. stephen sir, joanne maam, jorin maam, lawrence sir.. ALL the trainers! even my dearest a2. so so touched. thanks every single one of you. that baluku was worthwhile.
<< trainers doing crazy stuffs again! funeral er. NONSENSE. =p
oh. my chief trainer taught me how to fry chicken wings! =D
last moments of ulp camp. last parade. hornet attack! all unit leaders were on ground. that's where we're gona start before we embark on our new journey after this programme. the training ended but our challenges just begun. once the trainees got up, they know it well. they are the unit leaders now. =)
all the very best in facing your future storms and challenges! your mentor wil always be here to give you a push just like during our hikes. As our programme ends, we left a page filled with memories from unit leaders' programme 2007.. ULP! TO LEAD AND TO SERVE! tap tap tap HAH!
Friday, June 08, 2007
3:54 AM
my heart so weary
with the many many activites that are snatching away my quality time with my family, friends and squadmates!
my soul so lost
i search for the smile within, the pinafore girl insignificant in school but clear with her steps. sitting in class, cross-legged, messaging secretly and.. dose were my secondary school life!
my pillar of motivation to deal with the college stuffs -- do my squadmates proud! =))
gimme e abilities to complete all my tasks as a volunteer instructor!
hold on to the faith. that ... i trust you. hmm. mm.
pretty excited for ulp! pheww..
4e5 bbq was great great great fun! haha!
bRiNg mE tO lifE!
get ready for TRAINING next next tuesday! =D our squad outing! attire: mufti! ic: pauline chia! hahahas! fall in baasketball court!
love you kirstie! that night sky. =) you mo pi! throw away the lock, share the smile from within! ;) evac ic's our support! oh. thanks for the piggyback too! dat's our tradition dear! haha!
sweEt dreAms! dReaM of OuR sQuad. =D
Round & round & round,
In the Circle Game;
promises of someday
this is me;
quek ying qi , as of 10th april '90. She loves 3013-53 + 07ohsevens + her cat (:
I'm going to be a ohwells, not decided! she likes food! and people and play!
captive on the carousel of time
behind from where we came