Tuesday, October 30, 2007
12:15 AM
haPpy biRtHdaY kIRstie!! =)loves squaddies =) 3013-53 power! telepathyy =) misses all of uu x)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
5:40 PM
i've been not knowing what to blog about recently.. cos there's too many things going on around me.
i've never felt this way before. =/
it feels like..
jc changed everyone.
and made peepoll more emoo. hahas
i think....he was happier in his kiddish old self. it has been long since i felt his laughter.
perhaps life changed and so does the relationship needs to be
but i dontwant to....
oh yes. stay strong a2! =)) huGgs! <3
i wan to buy a volleyball! ahahhas.. thanks filza for your post =)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
1:37 AM
so angry with the school system
i think i'm trying to fight for khai.
i know i'll get into trouble.
but i'll make my 'troubles' worthwhile - he must at least become ogl!
ahhhhhs. bleah. so many things to consider! =//
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
3:15 AM
hotel management is getting interesting (:
but kids' smile and their eyes stiu never fails to make me smile even when im uber down.
i miss mr mouldyy! stiu lovee himm! LOLS.
HE's A puPPET tho.
i dunno whyy but im missing mr mouldyy now.
is he stirring up parts of my memories that makes me think of him so much now?
hmm.. >< mouldy mouldy.
memories are sweet yet a little...sour =)
TEAM SINGAPORE windbreakerr! im stiu crazy ovr it.
i wan wear it at least once and take picture =)) IF POSSIBLE. lols.
i shall for tang to do her pw =) jiayouus worx!
wish ya cookies dreams tonight! Faith.
Monday, October 22, 2007
3:22 AM
still waiting for ahmeng to finish her pw =) yess at this time! lols.
goodluck to the rjc peepoll for results! (:
quek shall be guai and finish her stuffs too =) haha. TEAM SINGAPORE. ahhh! lawls.
loves listening to "bring me to life" in the middle of the night!
reminds me of how we cheoreographed our dance tgt online just last year <3
1:55 AM
AhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! i wAna ScReam To tHe WorlDD.
but i'm telling me to PREPARE PREPARE PREPARE.
my shoulders are tiredd. tml morning morning at paSir Ris Park breakwater. me, atiqah, filza will scream. literally. and they wil help me massage! ((:
haha. den we'll walk back mjc =))
the windbreaker! hAhs.
was looking at danielfoo pictures, but was focusing on the windbreaker, not the face. LOL.
uhoh. he's retarded too =/ TEAM SINGAPOREEEE <3
987 playing "bring me to life!" !! dear ahmeng came at the right time.
~~wake me up inside =)
okk. feeling muchh better now. thanks ahmeng!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
12:38 AM
haha (: yea. quek is fine =)
huggs to all my friends! ((:
next year, will stiu seeya guys around yea! doesnt doesnt matter!
if you need help in anything, CALL! hahaha. SMILES and wE will pull through yarr//.
**HUGS and LOVES to all of ya. i mean it!
after so much so much. i didnot hmm =)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
3:15 PM
i think it hurts much more when your friends are the ones retaining
two more of my friends got retained
somehow i tink it'll feel better if you're in that situation, not just watching.
it really really doesnt feel good when they are taking my friends away
you feel more and more alone in this battle
and when you are powerless to help them
quek cannot take this.
i dont wish for you to be here anymore.
12:28 AM
nomore nomore
i dontknow and dont wish to.
Friday, October 19, 2007
11:43 PM
those juniors sometimes form my source of joy and motivation =)
just like today! made me smiled =)
just by asking if i'm going for redcross challenge. (a2)
just by telling me their feelings. (a2)
just by showing what they've learnt. (a2)
just by displaying their commitment of their saturday morning for commanding. (tkg)
i wan you to be around. humph!
cos im still feeling worried about my friends.
the kiddish oldself.. sounds tempting. hmm.
pw. prom. law. ogl camp2. studies. sometIngs for juniors.
2:43 AM
heh.. not feeling happy today and probably the next few days!
too many of my friends are getting retained. ='(( wahhs ='(
i hate this "retain or not" period. everyone's just waiting to receive a call to see vp or p.
i hate thiss. it's making so many people around me cryy.
*salutes to miranda admire your house spirit.
i guess im not able to be rationale dealing with this terrible period of time.
if there is a need to, i think i will stand up for them, though it's gonna be very irresponsible of me =(( im supposed to represent.... =(
however irresponsible it may be, can i not care? =(( it's a bad feeling.
though i dont know if it'll help, but i believe. cos at least it's a try.
i tink i will regret it if i follow my brain now. hmm..
from joanne maam, i need to be stronger than i am now to support them.
i still appear that way when in school. just that.
im worrying. seriously worrying. and it's a horrible feeling ='(
will you be able to make my day now? =X
Monday, October 15, 2007
11:57 PM
went TP today wif my GAY partner ESTHER YEO! super suai lars! but i had quite fun time exploring and we ate our yummy chicken chop wif nacho cheese at design school ! =)) Hahahs. we decided to go HOME (HQ) to rot ahaha. went sakae wif esther, P1, evm. MET SAMANTHA and vickk!! =)) yayy i love my red colour bubble thingie! =)) crab roe i tink. hahaha.
life's stressful but remember to take a break and slack! do do browse thru this short album of our lovely redcross banana!
Mr Banana at WORK

TOOTy banana

uncle banana sitting at KOPITIAM


he's slacking at home..

oh no where are my hands!

now where's my head?!

POOF! he becomes a NINJA!

hmm.. trying to be a CHEF/superman!

Banana at the beach wif BIKINI. (he's supposed to be a guy tho!)

when he's hungry, BANANA SPLIT!


hahaha. aww our lovely banana =) dont forget to take a break once in a while! takecares!
Friday, October 12, 2007
12:52 AM
what's the colour of my sky?
half the time it seems like a psychedelic whirl of blue-green shades.
pau made me miss our redcross room so much. for that moment.
the train needs to be back on the track, moving forward.
do we have to wait for the train to arrive before we can cross the yellow line? why not take that risk? hmm..
SMILE. therapeutic. =)
sec1: flame of passion: attitude defies limitation and exceeds boundaries
sec2: croix rouge jeunese
sec3: diamonds in the rough
sec4: fire in our eyes
"i'll spread my wings and i'll learn how to fly.
i'll do what it takes till i touch the sky.
out of the darkness and into the sun.
but i wont forget all the ones that i love."
Thursday, October 11, 2007
12:44 AM
was reading royce's blog and lOL. miss those pple a little!
sometimes dey just haf the right words to describe how we feel. humpph.
neewaes. feelin a lil' motivated academically afta his blog. =)
beauty comes with contentment. doncha agree? randomrandom.
my physics! =X very not well done. however tough it might be, i will do better nexttime, and get an A for my physics.
off to do my pw and... sleep =)
time to work out some personal calendar for my hols to get things sorted out! it's packedd. will find some time for banana boating and jet skiing! =)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
1:03 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
11:00 PM
im so sleEpy...!!
feeling so dumb recently!
dat day i ate CHAR CHAO PAU! den it dropped on my skirt and it looks like stain AHAhss.
den everyone was laughing at me wen i said DAT was charchaopau! TSK. hahaha.
i dunno how on earth it happened, but i lost my school skirt! ahhh! Sso duMb cannn. i dun even noe where i lost it. lOL. oh but yunzhi lent me hers! =p thanksthanksthanks!
went hq on monday and i tink i mite agree working dere during my hols! for a week and earn myself lil bit of pocket money! =)) den can play wif sk2 and p1 too LOL. and continue stealing food dere :D they got new supply of MOOMOO sweets!
yay saturday watching NARNIA!! and kbox-ing! with my squadmatess! =))
mjc is competitive. i feel it stronger now. so scaryy! everyone's scoring super good results but not me =(
humphh =) but noneed to compare yea. (:
Sunday, October 07, 2007
10:42 PM
it's tough doing proposals withOUT my squadmates
im not able to speak my mind.
we completed our PromProposal3.
but there seems to be missing parts.
this would never happen.
law and ogl camp proposal to go.
close your eyes, they are with you. =) we can do it!
2:02 AM
perhaps this is how you feel when you miss the people you hold dear to your heart.
when you close your eyes,
you'll smile silly to yourself
with the images of those times spent together with them
yet at the same time,
your eyes gets watery...
it feels amazing when they are going through the same emotions at the same time,
just like now. -huggs to kohtanglin.
take huge tubbs of care. =)
1:06 AM
open hse was a success ytd! was super duper happie when i saw kirstie and my juniors!
and i realised how much i missed my juniors! my first batch of NCOs for my VI time.
went out with my dear dear squadmates today! =D
celebrated tang tang's birthday! =)) SURPRISE! lols.
we went esplanade rooftop!
me and sam went TOILET, but actually we went to buy Chocs cake (UBER YUMMY)and borrow lighter! HAHA...
cerasoh helped us light candle and we pop behind tanglin by singing her a BIRTHDAY SONG!! she looked super lost for words at that moment. awwww. wont forget that =)
chose dat place cos...! last sat, me n tang went dere, saw sm peepoll celebrating dere and she mentioned about how sweet it'll be to haf birthday party dere. haha so there's our surprise for her! =)
started to drizzle, and we actuallie sat outside toilet to munch on our cake one bite by one bite! hahaha. super sweet..
we had our longlonglong hotdog bun, candy floss at newyork!
our wonderful mango salad, tomyam soup, seafood at thaiexpress! with the wonderful service dere! that cute unclee! =) hahaha.
followed the kids trail near esplanade, tiptoe-ed and made a wish, turned a round!
had our crazy crazy times together!
DECeLERAtINg cera, So-skiNny kIrsTie, stIll-sO-CutE sAM, StilL-sO-FUnnY tANg, mOre FemiNine SooT aNd stIll-sO-sOtoNg mE! did those retarded things in the train and our bigg huggs before we go homme.
love love squadmates! batch 3013-53
Thursday, October 04, 2007
11:08 PM
just read ahmeng's blog.
miss you huge bunch of squaddies now!
*claps to brave sammie for the casualty thingie ;)
now i cant wait for saturday! lolz. to see you peepoll again! =)
im like an ULTIMATE SLACKER. hahaha. seriously! im rotting away.
i know i got things to complete =) and they will be completed! ;)
mjc open hse tml ! oh tjc too! =D
i'd better go practise my mass dance tonight! if nt tml maluuu. loLs.
shall write a letter to marlisa! =)
off working! =))
12:26 AM
maam sarah wrote back!! ((:
im soo bored.
but got many many many proposals to do and plan. =/
you yi dian lei. but quek still can take it lars. wad was my ulp, vip, tkgrcy trng for! =.= hahas.
some things dat maam sarah mentioned in her letter really hit it right on. and we'll cheng xia qu! =) THERAPEUTIC ACT! =)
my neckkkk! it doent seem to be getting better.
saturday! (: SURPRISE!
hao lei ><
cera soh and quek's MOODS dance!
i still wan bake cookies for the kids.
first aid trng element in OGL Camp
prom prom prom prom prom! :)
council room-project revamp!
detailed stock checking
ongoing activities..
unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit. =)
redcross events! i wan join back in!
*close your eyes. *think. THERAPEUTIC! and we will be able to complete our tasks =) we can do it!
will i still ........ >< dont think too much.
so far. things ar goin pretty alright! SMILE and everything will be fine.
**huahua must jiayou jiayou too!! ni ke yi de!
ahhhh! get me interested in food~! recently abit lost appetite! =/ HAHA. it's RARE. :))