Saturday, December 29, 2007
2:03 AM
dinner with FAmilY! ;)
bbq! sparkling juice! PLAYGROUND!
the spinning toilet bowl! the standing spinning pole! the HUGe spinning disc!
everything's spinning and everyone's laughing! x))
no further details.!
HEARTS my family <3
Friday, December 28, 2007
12:46 AM
mjc admin day! saw juniorss!
and many many friends! missses them loads..........!!
AtiqAH, eu JIn dan, daniel foo, khaiS, gee, filza!, no5s!, hector, shanelim, vera, stephtan ETC!
sat down for many meetings regarding orientationS!
and our o2 meeting lasted till late late! =( den i cannot go squad outing / dinner at PS! wahhhs
but it was beneficial ;)
today was full of nonsense! i didnt know what was i doing.. hahas! joel koh kept COMplAining and laughing at my stupid acts. eeyer! hahas but they were seriously DUMB//. LOLs.
enoughhhhhhhhhh. i know who belongs in there. though pretty confusing at times.
tired and worried! =/
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
2:19 AM
=) went out christmas night with VIs!
got yingsheng sir and qihui maam, jorin maam, jianfu sir, qijun sir, guozhong, derek, esther and shwuyueh!! yayyy! =)) wonderful night out :D
PHOTOSHOOT. =D waiting for our photos!
been spending my days with vis.
feeling really satisfied and contented to be with them. =)
and motivated to complete my school work. i will complete them! cos i'm a VI from 0707.
we're gona have our own lanyard. (:
hmmm very very soon i wont haf the time to attend redcross events ='((
c'mon yingqi. it's only for a few months. =]
treasuring every single moment spent with them now =)
we can do it! CHEERS =D
Monday, December 24, 2007
12:20 PM
i dont need you to tell me what i need not know.
when we say it out, we really mean it.
we believe in what is right.
okays! now for...
VI Retreat! =)satisfied with our effort! but pretty bleahhhh by many other things =[
our wonderful secret room! =)
pretty christmas tree!
HUgE FRoSty!
little elephant boy! -LUoHAn + yEEShan
freakk man! - FluFFY
Cat woman! -Haven patch GAy
normal snowman! - EvElyn
David beckHam! - ahLIu + da LI zhu
preparation was fun bahs. =)
there were several times when a few of us were boiling and screaming to each other >:[
the night! went mini night walk with yeeshan, cassandra, guozhong and jianfu sir! KINDA SCARYYY!!. but yeah.. got yeeshan n cas to scream tgt..gz's jacket and jf sir to grab on to. =/ haha. sorries! we went to sit at this busstop, did stupid things to cars that passes by... gz n jf sir telling their psycho ghost stories and army true stories!!! kinda scary...but they were with us =) ahhhahs.
den on our walk backk! the dogs' barkings really gave me a fright okayss!
oh got this baby doll outside campsite. wahhhss. hahahas//.
shwuyueh and me washed hair for each other! LOLs.
stay up the entire night chatting and doing random stuffs.. evonne maamm and me got sooo high while playing chikobak and scissorspaperstone. wahahahhas!
our 0707 tANG SQUARE! <3
end of retreat! lugged home many weird stuffs! haha!
den we were eating tuB of ice cream at the canteen.. wahhhs! =//
but i still love icecream =)
hmm.. just when i tHInk i was about to....
your direction changed =[
and so i turned back i GUess. bLEah.. =//
Friday, December 21, 2007
1:49 AM
ahhhs i'm plain lazy! =//
i've been having many dreams recently! and i dont likke. hahas.
leaves me so confused and tired when i wake up.
in my previous posts, it seems as though my schedule are all planned out! but in de end so many things changed! and i'm.... quite affected.. in an angry manner. hahaha. arghhhs.
my mood is swinging recently as well! LOlS. luckily pau was there at that point of time. <3
samantha is enjoying herself in japan now!hahah. **envious!
went for 0908 campfire dat time and whoooots! =)) i guess 0707 was super noisy that night. haha! the best class in vip =)) yayyness! celebrated fLUffy's bdae! <3
VIs, shanelim, muhd, squaddies.. motivates me =) maybe they can fight my plain laziness.
ahhhh quekyingqi Wake uPpp!!........
i think i need to be patient and listen to what my heart tells me. LIstEn.
oh my right eye is a little swollen! =X
Saturday, December 15, 2007
12:36 AM
nopes not tired anymore! :D
shall pack room tml and start to catch up with my school work!
haha i need to find where did i place those holiday assignments!! ahhahas.
jc2! =/
remaining holidays!
-xmas shopping with squaddies!
-celebrate daddy's bdae! family day! =)
- super mass accred from 830am to 630pm.
- 0908 campfire!
-daddy's bdae!
-home visit 9am to 3pm
-tkg evac gold lesson 330pm - 630pm
-fdc training!
-fd manual drafting
-taskforce meeting
- i cant rmb. haha =P
-amk fd lesson and accred from 9am to 1pm
23dec to 24 dec
-VI gathering! =))
24 to 25dec
- squad gathering? CHRISTMAS! =)
26 dec onwards.
school admin starts = orientation!!
mumtaz and most prob syazana is coming MJC! :D
before holidays end:
redcross: eua compilation, proposed combined activities, annual camp first aop, vi attendace record!--my allowance :D
council: L.a.w pre and post checklist, stuffs to inform ogls, prom aar, 2008 prom venue+calendar+food menu+survey forms, prepare orientation logistics, focus and get ready for the big O1-orientation! AziMuth-Reaching a nEw pinNAcle
maths: e-learning self study for mcLaurin, supplementary maths exercises, revision packages
physics: supplementary exercises, revision packages, extra practise papers, e-learning self-study for waves, pre-prepare sound and light.
econs: e-learning for dunnowad topic, tutorial packages
literature: comparative poetry holiday practices, e-learning cant rmb wad.
=X j2 have yet to start...
the first lecture of physics = physics test! = uh-oh =X
if i din rmb wrongly, first maths tutorial = maths quiz
hmm im not sure if i can finish everything..but i'll try =)
next year..
jan to first week of march - orientation1 and 2
march holidays from 21 - 23 march: SLO camp organised by moe i tink.
24march: JC2 BLOck test. how to i studyy? =( hmm. means must prepare by december =X
" just try your best and you wont worry about the results! " -shanelim hahaha-put in your best! =) finish them onE by one =) stay strong (:
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
12:12 PM
been feeling a little tired recently =X physically and mentally eh!
my juniors have to give me that little shock ! RAHS.
you're asking the award to go, not quekyingqi. the more i wont.
the expression you all gave,
ever wondered how they felt?
politics is everywhere. you try to avoid it as much as possible, but we still haf to face it somehow =) face it by following what you want.
i miss my vip...
the feeling of endurance and champions! and how we pledged ourselves. =)
i'm from vip 0707! - to lead with pride huha! =))
Monday, December 10, 2007
2:11 AM
feeling kinda stuffy now.
thanks muhammad =) you're still the sky-- who knows all my troubles in school, cca and rc.
like what you've said..
no matter how much things might change..
we still hold on to those treasured moments at all cost.
even images of the immature us.
let pictures do the job for blogging now.

next year, i wont be able to go for ulp, proj ncos, oa camp, and i dunno how many more events.
but it's alrites =)
i only haf twoyears in jc. but a lifetime to volunteer =)
oh yes i told derek and yeeshan today! aim--to be approached... ;)
maam sarah's back today!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
11:22 PM
ProJEct RedCRoss LOVE! -8Dec
--kidsss =))

played many games ! =)

some colourings and drawings...

look at them staring at the balloons!

they got their teddy bears and hearts!

bored by the luckydraws and some weird programs..

SO.. they keep asking me to bring them to the toilet! HAHahAH!
cute little them =)
before they leave, they hugged me one by one! =:)
and this little girl, umairah. the leftmost girl in the previous pic came to sit on my lap.
i was talking to shi xuan-the girl in purple at that time..
the caretaker said their bus arrived and they needed to leave,
umairah pulled my sleeve and whispered softly...
i love you
=:) really felt so touched and aww. i'll remember all of you!
i love their eyes and smiles =) so innocent.
look at how fearless they are when it comes to saying i love you.
somewhere along the way..
my faith is lost.
seems like it's not with me for now.. =)
Saturday, December 08, 2007
2:15 AM
pROm proM PROM! 6Dec07

many many precious lesson i've picked up. too many details to be mentioned so i shall only blog about my feelings towards =) council.
hahas. at times, i really have to admit that i cant stand the jobscope. and imean it.
but the people.... motivates me. some really treasured friends.

our ticketing hug Aka BITE! kelly, yunzhi and me!
on 5dec! those councillors online msn-ed me and all their msges were "SLEEP" hahahas. all of them asking me to slp slp slp slp slp for prom! LOLs. so touched- seeing their eagerness for prom.
it's too late to apologize! LOLs. de shopping centre repeated some cd for the entire day and we've heard it 7 times dat day. oMg. hAhaHAHs.. sherman, joanna, marcus blaablaa! all trying to SING! the ROBIN- SONS were trying to learn from their father mr hon... LOLs. it"s too late to aPOlogize! hahahas. oMG. lols.

some pictures!

it's invisible ink stamp! can you see the crown shape? lols. it glows under uv light! =)) cooool rite ! lOLs.

i would say the traindance effect is good though! i've never seen a prom night whereEVERYONe were on the dance floor. yeah... BUT..
wells behind the scene..
THIS IS NOT A CLUB. hahas. den i was kinda shouting at the events company. think sandeep got a scare when she saw me scream. SHam as well. but oh wells.
wrong atmosphere at the end larhs.. stiu dare to shout at my councillor. get ur facts right,
I 'm paying you, you dare to scold sandeep again!
the letter ' I ' now refers to 33councillors+8TAs.
when 33+8 comes individuals come tgt >> WE
when the 33+8 stand tgt infront of external companies >> I
i see it on 6Dec.
ooh! mr hon and ms june tan. reallie reallie guided me and helped me out. seriously.
definitely with no5s! really very touched =)
and when we do council cheer! can really feel the strength and aww it warms my heart.

thankyous photog for paparazzi and food! the food was nice! =)) goodjob!
really in love with this christmas treee! it's so huge and so charming!
standing right infront of it, it just makes me DreAm.. =)

the ROBIN-SONS. hahahs.
7Dec. PROm AAR!

the break-PRom SONG! hahahahhaa!
and we used the overhead bridge that is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. wahahhas! den the workers were staring at us.

the person at the traffic light is SANDEEP. hahahaha!
okays! very tired. in any ways. now that prom is over! time for me to slack slack slack!
im watching golden compass on monday! with kirstie blabla.. haven finish dating them. =D
maam sarah is coming back! shall go fetch her. but i dunno wad time. hahahs!
project redcross love. KIdss here i come! =)) hahaha.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
6:13 AM
it felt so deep =(
nomore nomore... ??hmm
hahashs.. ahhhhs. dont think too much :D =))
went yuNzhi's hse and!! She stAYs at the same COnDO as SAManTha and JEAnnieYANG!
felt so motivated to do stuffs after knowing that. LOLs.
shall go her hse often to do council stuffs! LOLs.
den the j2s started calling me! all wanting to buy last min prom tickets. hAHS. some so funny.
Er HahahS. doesnt matter larh =) it's their grad nite :D
and denn i took the train to Kallang! hahas. wrong direction! =/ but still got last train back to bedok. hHhaS!
prom is like tomorrow!! ahhh! =) we will do well de. haf faith!
did those teeny weeny details with kelly and yunzhi online and ahhhs. kinda sleepy. hahahs! but it's ok=) it'll be worthwhile! =)
every small detail done well is a great job done! --some quote from beemovie i tink.
thankyous squaddies and 0707! =)
especially jingnI! hahas.. i was Super sians and she made me superrrrrrr HIGH ytd night. we were seriously CRazy! hahahas. imagine seeing each other every second during camp. i tink all instructors no chance to slp le. HAHAhS..!
i miss CERA SOH YONG QI! her birthday ytd! and she's overseas =(
happy birthday SArah LEE today!! =)
jiayous to toilet bowl! =) dont acknowledge hors! hahas.
-stay strong
Monday, December 03, 2007
3:53 PM
yayys! just watched Open Season online! lols. very lagg rite! hahahas.
but very nice! so touching =)) and i love the hUge anD SmAll bears =) the pocupine, the deer, the squirrels ahhhs all the animals. hahahas.
i wan the small bear! LOls.
OH. please! the name is not DAniEl. =.==== anyhow say. but thanks to danielfoo for the movie!
i tink i ate too much rubbishh! got food poisoning =( den now alot of food cannot eat. hahas. ahhhs.
quote from pau -- "my nose is running a marathon!" = running nose
cant wait to draft the fd silver with ahchoo! =))
and CANT WAIT FOR PROM.! 6 dec! after that i can finally take a breakk! =))
after project redcross love, me and fangs going out! anyone coming!?
Sunday, December 02, 2007
2:15 PM
ehhh please it's irritating me. o.O
ahhhhs. wadevaA.
it definitely is a good sentence to tell myself when i cant stand some people. lalalalala~~
hahahs. =//
being contactable is part of responsibility. =X
hmmmm. tahan. x( ohmans.
luohan been through a course with 29 batchies. after the course, all 30 were set free to survive in the deep ocean toGether. but luohan lost her way and was taken away into a freshwater pond. life seems reputable and good dere but Definitely, she longs to be home.
she may know new friends in the pond but....... i am a full pledged volunteer instructor.
all 30 wans to challenge the deep blue sea. together =)
this is only one extract! ahahhas. more stories about some FLUFF? some GAY? and some dINosaur SNeeZEs--HACHIEW! hahahas.
stay strong 0707 oh welcomes 0908!! Endure the course! =)
Saturday, December 01, 2007
12:54 AM
luohan is not happy now.
feeling trashies =/