Sunday, April 27, 2008
11:55 PM
council training camp!
realise and learn many many things.
all along i've been saying that i like council but i dontlike the way we are doing things,
but i'm only experience of planning and work was through redcross- uniformed group.
so when i came across this NEW STylE of leadership, i thought that everything sucks.
it is just that i did not adjust to a new environment.
but now i realise =)and now i say it. i love council. (hahaha so cheesy x) )
guess i was too 'limited' in my thoughts previously.
limited in my style of working with the type of people,
limited in my courage to talk to people,
limited in my style of leading.
several moments and people in council training camp that made me broaden my thinking,
1) my ctc incharge - MAR-KE-SI ! marcus teo =)
he has a way to neutralise feelings and emotions. like after endurance run.
and a special way to lead authoritatively yet NOT domineering.
2) my leadership comm member- LONG ONE GOOD (omggHAHAstupid nick)- chang yi hao.
he can picture the scene of game and suggest when will be messy and stuffs like that.
experienced guy in game planning.
3) old mamamamamma - CHUA YUN ZHI
an independent and confident woman. though she doesnt show it, her independence and self-confidence is something worth learning.
4) exco ppt presentation
the supportive faces and cheers of number5s sitting behind really made me very touched worxxxx. x)
the darkness was like..... you cannot see ANYTHING that is 10 steps away fromyou.
and i seriously mean pitch dark. our trail started from 10 plus to 1plus am. so it's SERIOUSLY freaky larh! hahahs.
then the commandos (army people) came and talk to us! cos we were in their territory.
so we had to change route last minute. (and the new route needs to pass by one of the white building. omggg)
THEN the police cars came in. cos there were people having illegal gatherings up at the hill. (our route starts from bottom of hill tilll the top of hill where OCH is situated)
den me and marcus had to sit dere and do nothing and wait for the pairs to walk up the hill.
was kinda very scared at first. and that stupid marcus kept complaining he was tired, SO HE SLEPT. hahahas but he slept at the later part larh, when im not so scared already =)
6) dance practice
after preparing my games logs, i went up hall and manage to watch the dance once.
i was kinda touched. like hmm reallie. cos when u see the effort everyone is putting. and how the dance depicts our council journey.. ="( teary eyess =) and thatmade me more willing to make mistakes and learn together. RESULT = DANCE APPROVED!!!! =:)
7) ColOUrFUl WateR BOMBs! - leadership games
my first game planning leh! ahash cos always incharge of logistics,first aid blah blah those general stuffs. and game planning is so much more fun larh! number fives were really really supportiveeee through their actions and was.. ehhh felt kinda touched again, cos everybody helped unconditionally. (HAHas. touched many times alr i think)
8) handover ceremony
our council song. and looking back our journey as a councillor.
last year ctc, candle lit = council term starts, we are officially part of 5th Student's Council
the burning candle = drawing our wax (energy) time and time, draining yet the flame continues.
this year ctc, candle blown = council term about to end (many of us bear the thot that "NO, i'm still part of 5th SC till wednesday)
as the flame is gone, the wax (challenges that drained us) formed back again, but this time round nolonger as energyto work for council, but experience and values we learnt.
with P.R.I.D.E we Serve, as ONE we Lead.
ONE = The 5th Student's Council
five five five five five =)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
12:10 AM
RUn run Run Runnnn RUN!
StaRTING to have the "i can do it" feeling. keeep goinggg...
it is not others who thrash my strength,
it was me, who put myself down.
time to get up.
went out with gay todayyyy! ULtIMate gAYness at TOy'R'us!
coOKie MOnster. ahh munch munch munch. HAHas!!
i miss mr mouldddy =( shall find one dayy to visit NP's early childhood..
we met at tM after school and AttEmpted to shoppp for presents HAha.
ended up playinng! hahaha. and getting so excited over... Lawrence sir's wedding! haha.
ohOH. this coming saturdayyy -- our FISHY AH nI is inchargee! evac gold =)
den a few of us will be going off to amk to prepare stuffs! =D
wheeees! =D
16 days to stepping down.. i've jobs undone.
VOLLEYBALL MATCH GIRLS THIS FRIDAY! CCAB. AnyoNE wants to go with mE???? =))
Saturday, April 12, 2008
2:00 AM
1) one book review - sun morning
2) post-mbt essay practice - sun morning
3) two remedial essays, tjc + srjc
4) physics tutorial
5) physics help package
6) maths tutorial
7) maths weekend assignment
8) econs essay 1a essay plan
9) econs case study 1d and e
10) balance of payments test
11) mathematical induction test
together with
wrcd + community service day from 7am to 6pm at bendemeer sec.
and i've yet to include council stuffs on my list.
yes yes i need to train my determination to stick to what i've chosen. give me strength to complete them all. =)
Friday, April 11, 2008
2:20 AM
been too sleepy to come online.. so here's my posts for these eventful days!
7 ApRIL (MOnDAy)exco dinner with mr hon. they sang a birthday song for me!
HAHA EveryboDy ACTing GUAI..

screaming in neoprint machine!

went to do homework after that! my crazyyyyy and closest friend i made in MJC! CHUA YUN ZHI! hahahas.

My DArling ExCO!
president: ChiA mEI mEI
vp : Lim Jia YI and Quek YIng QI
secretary: JOanna Kam
Student affairs head : CHua Yun Zhi
PubliC Affairs head: JOel KOh
perhaps unknowingly, i really love my number5s.
mjc 5th student council.
20 days left.
to be honest, i dont want to part with these people...
i love my numberFIVEs.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAN JIN JIAN! =)) 9 ApRiL (WedNEsDay)i got 4th for my 800m! =(( was actually quite affected but nobody know i was... =(
first time trying neither short nor long distance!
i know i dint put in my best effort! ='(
i'll do better next time okays! 10 ApriL (TODAY!) i'm grateful and thankful for the people in my life! my class bought me many presents and a nutty chocolate brownie cake! celebrated during compass lesson. THankYOus! *shyys
councillors sang birthday songs and BIte mE! ahhahas.. =D sometimes i just love slacking in council room. haha!
off to meet my squadmates!! =))) didnt noe wher we were heading AT ALL! haha.. went walk walk at whitesands, walked around aimlessly at any random shop,started walking towards downtown east.sat down at random performances..blaablaawent bk, pizza hut, and then back to BK! haha.
perhaps it has been too long sincewe've last met up.. we laughed almost every 10seconds for no particular reason. hahahaha. till our STOMACHs were tired. HAHA. MilO UPSIZE?! great great laughter over the... ERM. GREEN CUCUMBERS. HAHA.

then i followed atiqah to mccafe, to random shop, to watsons to look for... SOME PERSONAL ITEMS. HAHA! and when i got back.. they got the cake prepared! this sponggy cake with sweet sweet strawberries on top! was pretty shocked and surprised!
i love my squadmates!

look at how excited filza was when she sets the TImer. HAHAHAHA. SORRY FILZA! LOLs.


UH OH TANGLIN! hahahahas. (i want to eat the cake alreadyyyy.)

wheeees!! =)) (i pinched a part of the cake! yUMMY!)

UH OH aTIQAH! HAHAhaA. i really CANT wait to eat the cakeeeeeeee!
HAHA and i cut it. LOLs.. so full!!
we went this romantic bridge to play with fire crackers!! when i was told to shut my eyes, i made my wish secretly! hahas. under that beautiful environment =)
samantha's present for me.... is a song she composed!
it's her final sem project.! so it's like recorded live in studio!
the song's describing our friendship.
i thought i wont cryy! but i did as i was listening to the lyrics and her voice!
she sang it,played the keyboard, came up with the lyrics..
was really touched by what my squadmates did.
thankyous to all who remembered my birthday! and those who called! haha. mALu story with YUnZHI! hahaha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! i love everbody =)
GOODLUCK to everybody later on cos it's our PW results! =)
Saturday, April 05, 2008
7:05 PM
ended mass accred! =) today ended early early yays =)
only evonne maam, esther, shwuyueh, selwyn, xin yu, guoying and me were dere! hahas.
very smooth running of programme.
i learn how to teach better. whees =) i love to see the cadets learn..
i like working with shwuyueh, gay and evonne maam.
yesterday night after awards and promos, dey came over to my house! it was like a girls' night. hahaha.
the 3 of us wore red shirt coincidentally! and evonne maam wore white! hahaha red white =)) our flag.

HAhS. UNglAm!
i ate 5 hotdogs and many mini corns at the oa accred today. LOLs.
so fulll.. we waited for the oa peeps to end, den went mac to makan iCe cream! =)
played chariotts(spelling?) in the room. SUPpeerrrr fuNNNY!! aaahhhhahhahhsa. laughter without words.
awards and promos, im now a cadet officer! =)) lawrence sir helped me put on my rank.
and now i'll always be reminded of him when i look at my rank.
i will do my job well. =)
tkgrcy~! my brave unit leaders

lovesss =)
ohwells. to all who thought the event failed, it did not.
because the volunteers (like us!) made it heartfelt and meaningful.
it will be a better one next time! =)
oh no more mr lau hock soon =(
i think he has been really committed to rcy.
*applause* =)
"let our flag continue to fly " ...with pride.
to lead and to serve.
to lead with pride!
i'm a volunteer instructor . =)
i currypok,prata,dosai you! =))
ahhs im dozing off. zzzz..
but cannot cannot. must do my homework, council work and study.
i have 10 core values to uphold. [alot of people think it's a hassle to memorize them, but it makes sense to me. i remember them by heart, try my best to uphold them!]
things to do.
- help mentees
- council training camp planning
- message to council
- econs case study 1 and 2, essay 2a, 1a
- physics tutorial, help package a and b
- gp practise essay, book review "for one more day"
let me finish them first... =)
i feel so lost on messenger now that no VIs or squadmates are online!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
11:22 PM
for the last 5 minutes, when the score was 2-0, the referee called for stop cos got lightning alert. hehs. but zaki was like saying the match wont be taken into consideration if we continue till the end! WhEE =) cant wait for them to fight finals. i hope it's with RJC again! cos our soccer guys will always do us proud =D.
i love our soccer guys! lols. OH HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHAI! - 1 April =)
i hope NExtIme my bf in sports arhhhs. aahahahahas..
den can go see him during competitions. LOls/
To GAY: you better pick up some sports. hahaha.
OH yess. and i"m angry with andy during the soccer match! cos he asked the "cheerleading club" to shout louder. PerhaPs he was jokinG, BUt, it's insulting okaysss. >:(
that night, i went to look for samantha at SP! and waited for her briefing to end at 12 midnight.
yea yea i know it's late but. i din regret it. yayys jiayous sammie. i love my squadmates.
thankyous joanne maam for pei-ing me on the phone! and somehow i just feel safe in dover.. sunset way?
wed morning was a little crazy!
but it was like some experential learning =)
my alarm clock lagged for one& half hour, so i was going to be late for school!
and den i took a cab, but she didnt noe how to go to mjc.
knowing that i was AlReady late, i alighted and started walking..and took a bus.
i missed my stop and it went on the expressway,
i ended up at dover, newton circle, orchard, dhoby ghaut.
alighted and took 14 back to bedokk to seee a doctor for my bACk =(
sounds like an unlucky day?
but it all depends on you to define it.
it was quite an exciting day for me!
and one great morning where i learnt to make choices in life, and not to brood over the unexpected.
i think there are many many paths lying aheadd of us.
Everyone has a choice.
i can stand on the spot and call somebody for help.
i can sit in the taxi, be the 4th time late for sch, and set a bad record.
or i can choose to walk till i find my way to where i wana go
well i followed my first instinct.
be true to yourself, and do what you really wana do.
and once u make ur choice, keep your objective in mind.
the purpose of your decision. dont betray ur purpose
im glad i went to look for samantha.
im glad i tried not to be late for school, and took e move to rush to sch.
im glad i made de crazy move to walk. and to walk bravely!
cos the places around me were like trees and grasses and nothing else!

you wont know what lies on the other end of the path till you move forward.

and finally i saw hdb flats and busstop! =))
OH met this bunch of funny army people on the way! hahas. i like this tripp! =)
hmm. think i giving teachers alot of problems! =/
quek jiayous. quek must work harder harder harder! you can do it! go quekyingqi. ="/