Sunday, May 25, 2008
2:00 AM
sometimes i know very well what i should do and what i should not.
but there will be times when i choose the latter.
cos i want to. cos im afraid.
there are many scenaries that crossed our paths.
we know it well which is the most beautiful scenary in our heart.
yet it is unavoidable that...
we need to fight the existence of other scenaries.
it's a fight of faith.
that i know i wont lose this fight.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
6:24 PM

lazyy to blog =) but haf been going out, hanging around recently! =)
MJC SOCCER BOYS = loves! =) NatiONal ChamPiON! =D
Monday, May 19, 2008
10:28 PM
we pluck feathers~
hehs. but the pretty pretty moon made me a little....... just now. =(
Friday, May 16, 2008
10:20 PM
busybusybusy and a little tired! =)
i donated blood! =))
it feels really really amazing to know that you're able to save somebody's life.
not very painful bahhhs. can take it de =)
i had this retarded scene in my mind when i see my blood being drawn out!!
many many of my blood buddies are jumping so happily out into the tube and then into the pocket! =D ahahas. a really healthy and happy thing to do! overcome that teeny weeny fear is all you need! =)
finals finals finals!! a pity couldnt go watch the matchhhh cos of extra lessons! =(
but still, live reporting in mjc was wonderful! we were like super worried and scared when the score was 1-0! ahhhs.
the unspoken support. made our soccer captain cried i heard. *hit left shoulder twice*
just came back from ntu! wahhhs. i think ms lai very disciplined. one great example to follow.
glad to be in this school project! with many many friends! x)
much much more precious time spent with my classmates, my squadmates, my batchmates, my mj friends. seriously. and we treasure times with fellow councillors more as well! wheees =)
i feel more like a student now. hahaha.
ReCENt pICtures! x))

haha my cat abit sians recently.. hahas. her mood fluctuates like mine =) lovEs =)
okiesokies.. i need to go bathee and do my lit essay and upload by 12 midnight!
tml's another pre-u sem day! 545am reach mj.....zzzzz. luckily can meet many many friends =)
Monday, May 12, 2008
9:10 PM
everyone holds a shield in their hand.
puts up a strong front.
that's for sure.
but who actually know that the strongest front one can ever put up,
is to put down all your shields.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
3:17 PM
slacking slacking!
ytd night went makan dinner with joanne maam!
at hOlLand V! =))
went coffeee club. my carbonara still looks so super nice!
but joanna maam swallowed plastic! hopefully she's okayss.
and we ate chocolate FONDUE!!!
but the marshmallow was horrible. HAHs. SO HARD. we loved the mangoooo though!
den yuliang and christopher joined us.
HAHA. and obviously we made yuliang eat the marshmallow.
i left my earpiece in jo maam's bagggggggg =X
nvm next friday vjc vs mjc at jjc! hahas den can go look for them.
later must go out and buy yani's famous amos cookie =))
ermm. HAHa. =) stay happy!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
5:55 PM
our council term ended.
there's just too much to say, that i dont know how to start this blog. hahs.
hmm/. actuallie i blogged the events we'd been through, but deleted it.. cos it just doesnt bring out my feelings. personal msges shouldnt be blogged too.. cos it's only for the individual to read=)
hmm.. council..
at times, it feels terrible when filza and atiqah wait for me to finish my council work, till really late in school.
at times, it feels terrible when filza and atiqah get scolded for going home late becaue of me.
at times, it feels terrible when i need to say "i have a meeting on mon=/ " to tanglin who dyingly wants to watch stepup2.
at times, it feels terrible when i need to push aside rc events that i promised to help out.
at times, it feels terrible when i'm at school camp, instead of rcyc.
at times, it feels terrible when i had to see volleyballers train, something i still wana do.
at times, it feels terrible when i know i belong dere No More. the term volleyballer is stripped. the term power ranger is missed. the red ranger is gone.
at times, it feels terrible when my parents worry about me.
at times, it feels terrible when i'm always the latest to reach home.
in fact, many many times already.
there were times when i continued purely out of Responsibility.
this responsibility made me say no to giving up council..
but this Responsibility alone is not enough to make me say "no" to my friends, to make me push aside events i promised, to make me stop vball trng.
it's the word "people" again.
if not for the 33 of us. no one would be staying in council.
i cant believe we sacrificed our external passion, our external interest, our personal life into this crazy school organisation.
i lost time with my family, my batchmates, my squadmates, my friends.
to trust the 32 other souls who sacrificed the same things as me.
a great great risk we all took.
just a personal thought.
i think number5s are really strong in character.
yesterday was our last day as councillor.
none of us cried.
but this "nobody cried" scenario is much more hurting than everyone crying.
everyone's holding back their tears i guess. cos we dont wana make another person cry...
but when i reach home, when i'm alone in the room....
i'll miss council room. munching biscuits inside.
sleeping in the room, laughing and screaming in the room.
i'll miss meetings, gatherings, our laughter.
i'm scared to go school actually. haha.
fear of emptiness and lost.
but i believe in my council!
When we were in council, Responsibilty keeps us tgt.
Now that we're out of council, Responsibility is taken away from us...
Passion will keep us together. and it's a much stronger bond.
i'l continue to msg in class and give them a huggge hug when i see them in school.
With P.R.I.D.E we serve, as number5s we lead.
YunZhi, JunKai, Kelly, Fazall, HaoYan, Solomon, Joel, Cindy, Becky, JiaYi, YiHao, Sandeep, ChingYing, Rachel, Sidney, Joanna, Sherman, ShuHui, Marlisa, Malina, Hakim, Nani, Nuzurath, YiNing, Bora, JinJian, Elizabeth, Charlene, vincent, marcus, miaoying, qianwen and me! =)