Sunday, June 29, 2008
1:19 AM
PictUReS TIME! =))

me and pauline's FOOd SupplY when studying!

her name is WINTER! =))
i miss going pau's house! =))
studying with bIRDS! at the cc =)

i WAs playing with malinA's oversized sunglasses for me! LOLS. SO COOL!

celebrate jeannie's birthday! squad gathering! x)

studying at home!

like finally i decided to clear my table. lols. yes that's the precious moments kids bible beside! =) i'm getting closer spiritually =)

CRAzy times after those demoralising papers!! HAHAHA. OH my.

samantha kHo! long ago pic that i promised to blog!

KIDS! hmm this pic is just to represent the many many kids i met recently. =)
haha so pure so innocent- (so simple), so funny so sweet so...hearts. i know what im refering to =)
Random thoughts time =) and this time round specially for derekchOO! that cheekoboy!
Inertia is the tendency for objects to coninue its state of motion and to resist change.
i think it not only apply to objects, but to humans as well!
when we are too used to thinking of a subject, we keep thinking about it.
even if there serves no meaning to ponder over it,
we continue to do so cos it Was once part of us.
yea. so BReak out of that InErtia and Live ur presEnt Life. =)
den for myself.....
i guess it's not easy to break out of our inertia sometimes, cos im trying hard! but im nearing =)
we can look back but not forgetting to create a new inertia. Life's going on and on! =))
Saturday, June 28, 2008
1:26 AM
happy birthday jeannie yang ting ting!! =))))))aww went aljunied to celebrate!
and wahhs.
i felt that comfort in our laughters. x)
this comfort came at the right time!
cos i wana feel safer... =/
it's more than saying i love them.! awww. =) my squadmates.
but i never forget the othre bunch of people who make me feel so lighthearted and troubefree too! VIs =)
aljunied got many sickos! =( lousy pieces of shit. horrible sickos! so angry at them!
i think if got mj guy frens with us, they will 'protect' us. hahas. lollls.
12 julY nubian gents dance concert! yes pau i wana go!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
1:17 PM
physics paper 3 today. it was a demoralising paper!.
i like physics u noe!!. ahas. but i think the blanks in the paper make up one-third of the marks already....I never leave blanks for physics papers before =( sighS.
it's like.. i dont even know how to write rubbish for the questions.
how dead can that be!. hahah.
i shall try for paper 1 and paper 2 tomorrow bahs! =))
hmm i shall find a new place to study instead of going changkat cc. =x
will go only when pau is going bahs. cos................................
ohyeah. thought of something this morning. RANDOm! it's not to anyone but GENERALLY what i see in people.
1.always laughing,
3.tries hard to comfort any sad people,
4.tells you they're always there for you,
5.tells you they are okay when they are sad
6.COS they dowan to make you sad.
wells, that's what everybody is trying to SEEm to be.
and when everyone appears like this, it makes the term "good friends" less appreciative.
to be honest, i did bear that thought,
"when i dowan to make others sad "
but i started wondering if i'm also following the crowd, doing the wrong thing.
wanting others to term you as a "good friend" BY appearing so,
is nothing to be proud of.
But when you give your friends a fair share of your troubles, it makes them special to you.
and it silently makes you special to them.
that's what make friends special and dear.
ohWElls. do what you feel like doing, and not what you think your so-called good friends would like you to do. =))
and to whoever:
life can be simple.. it's always there, just that you lost sight of it. stay happy! =)
yAWNS. should i go nap before i study?! SouNDs gOOD!. HAhaha. Nights! x)
Monday, June 23, 2008
9:21 PM
i think you dont need to.
i always thought and believed that,
by keeping that faith in sight....
but my faith gave up on me.
it's the 3rd mid-year already. haha. no more of such midyears.
have you ever felt the happiness and excitement in meeting your friends in school?
like today! first day back school, though taking exams =X but i was so super happy when i see my friends around!
and the smile and happiness so natural
i dont know which of me is true actually.
maybe both.
just that i dont know who to show my other side to..
things are still as simple as before. just that you lost sight of it.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
12:09 AM
iuhiq [".] says:
iuhiq [".] says:
he sae he brought the photo we all take together at nyny
iuhiq [".] says:
then say will miss your alsoyingsheng sir brought our photos to army! =;) so touched! sometimes in every relationship,
effort; is all it takes.
it may not give us the result we want at times..
but if we dont put in effort,
never; will we end up where we wana be yea.
but we need to know when is the right time too..
just like the yellow line and our mrt train.
"please do not stand behind the yellow line."
it's only sensible to cross the yellow line when the train arrives.
(source: inspired by royce's blog!)
derekchoo SMILE =))
maam sarah JIAYOUS!!
and quekyingqi will too!
tml rgs fd accred! (=
yays den we can wear the ohwearesocute shirt! =))
ohoh 18 june-
Monday, June 16, 2008
12:36 AM
ulp campfire! =D
campsite has the brightest prettiest stars!
oh yes i love this redcross family! =D
they make me smile and laugh wholeheartedly! even when taking pictures, our unglam faces, we dont care mans~!
celebrated esther's birthday!!
chili padi cake! aww she looks touched. x))
the 07 sat at the carpark, under the bright bright moon and pretty stars! picture perfect~
i succeeded in blowing up this fire! yayy! OA!
cadets! wonderful bunch of juniors =)
my unit! tkgrcy ~ and i really think im going back tkgs after my Alevels. x))
Oh camps with VIs - wait for me. 4 more months and im done with Alevels. í'll do well for u!
and YAYY! i feel so motivated to studynow =)
redcross makes me strong. it's simple things that teaches me.
like putting ur face close to the hot charcoal and give them a hard bloww ! =))
till you see the fire.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
2:32 AM
bAhhhs today is a weird day! =/
leemin had a fall! and hurt her ankle =(
derek choo was sad cos dunnowhat happened! =(
i felt SOOO easily irritated today. LOLs.
and the mood feels weird! need extra effort to make myself high today. =X
hEHs. that's a lousy 14 june for us! =//
it's wonderfully nice to talk to samanthaKOH HAI YUN when im not in a high or good mood~
so comfortable! she understands whatever im trying to say =)
oH SQUADMATES =) im missing them =/ and missing those at ulp 0707 =)
15 june - HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAYY!!! ESTHER YEO =))YAYs. and i SO wana sleep now.... but im doing presents still! zzzzzzzz.
so many colourful papers lying around.. so messy!
it's gona be worth it de =)
oh yes and HAPPY DADDY's DAY! =))
Friday, June 13, 2008
11:25 PM
YAY i did maths today!
and I WOKE UP EARLY TODAY. omg =))))
haha COS. ulp starts TODAY! haha i know it's a little no link..
but i was thinking about ulp! kEpt thinking how my fellow VIs are working hard to inspire cadets. working hard, the trainers' professional image and i thought of all the many many possible scenarios. HAHAH! and SO i told myself i cannot slack too =)
i watched incredible hulk ytd!! i still think it sounds nicer with incredible HUNK!. =))
SO COOL! IRONMAN + incredible HUNK. =D
and i watched NARNIA! a few days ago too. SUPER NICE!! =D
and yes i love king peter!! and prince caspian is damn loSer! =(
what exactly are you doing this for?!?!
wahhs the scene so touching! still lingering in my mind mans. =)
oh yayyS! =))))))))))))))))))
esther's cake and present + jingni's herbal tea + alphatwo present!
oH LOVES =)))
jiayous batchmates! jiayous quek! =)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
1:23 AM
i still do
i still do.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
2:15 AM
WHEEs =) shant wait for filza's pictures anymore. LOls.
4 JunE = DinNEr at NEwyORk nEwyORk with JoanNe MaAm and FilzA! (fil's cam)
5 JUNe = pau's birthday celebration at Swensens! (fil's cam)
6 JUnE = CounCil farewell At ecp!!

CINDy teow!

OMg marcus's FACE! LOLLS. MAkaning at the BREakWAtER!


a wonderful brownie by the 6th council =) underneath the cake is....... a photo collage!

veh veh sweet of them =)
9 JuNe = FaREwell dinneR for YINgSHEng SIR! before he says BYEE :( for army.
these were the InStANt photos!! super cool la!
alphaa! here's my moustache, shwuyueh's eyebrow, derek's beard, and yingsheng sir's COTTON WOOL. HAHAH!
starting from the black shirt: SI di fen! sally qihui maam! GAY esther yeo! best trainee Soh gUozhong!, luohan ME!!, fluffy shwuyueh! DEREK CHOO!!, LESTER yingsheng sir! HAHA
yayys =)) veh veh happy gathering!
derek choo mimic ys sir "alphhhha! VERY FUNNY ISITTTTT! "
derek choo scolding shwuyueh! HAHAH. LOLLLS. beyond description mans!
guozhong PEEED in his pants!
Esther's UNGLAM chicken and FAT PHOTO.
OUR COTTON WOOL!!!!!!! HAHAHA! it's called CANDY FLOSS, dear yingsheng sir. HAHA!
and the waitress was this funny playful nighteen yr-old! =D we asked for a pay rise for her LOLs. =)))
ohyea. honestly, im happy to see my batchmates getting involved in ulp! =D wells, though im not part of the "trainers" this year, i know im still a VI! and i cant wait to end my As to be an active volunteer again! =)) hahah.
hmm and i'm considering to go backk tkgs. =)
and if i really continue, i'll haf a stronger purpose back dere =)
that's 4 MONTHS later. after Alevels! omg 4 mths.
HMM my studies.. going very very slowly...... :( BUT it's building up! =)
and NOt hope for more time. COS THAT IS A LAZY BUM's requEST.
YAYS! must study study study! if not jorin maam will scold me, esther will smack me! shwuyueh will scream at me! jing ni derek guozhong ahhhh! hahaha
i already felt guilty when i told them my studying is going kinda slow. =/
cmon quekyingqi! =)))
Monday, June 09, 2008
2:48 AM
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
12:25 AM
happy studying with cera soh today! lols.
tml's with funny cera soh again!
caramel macchiato~
and the making of birthday preSEnt!! =D
oh yES. GAY i'm trying to FIND ur birthday present. LOls. i know what to get for u already. HAHAH! =)))))))))))
and i've got 2 free tickets to the ZOOO!!!!! =)))))))))))))))))))))))))) yayieees!
Sunday, June 01, 2008
5:02 PM
pre-u sem ended =)
it's like 5 days at a new place with new friends.
~exclusives (vvip ushers)a really new combination of friends! had great fun playing card games, talking at each others' bunks. the last night was crazy. WE slept on two combined beds. omgdness. LOls. thonned out last night at ntu! =)
~slos, no5sim always on the lookout for them! cos they comfort my insecurity at ntu. stargazing at the bridge! playing with marcus's pata pata pata pon~ aww i just love no5s gathering tgt. and seeing terence, kevan, wanyee, yuenyin, yani, mars, kelly, qianwen, lois, louis, qahhar and many many more. aww i wish im an slo. cos i want to go through all the shit that they're going through.
~ms lai and mrs pang, ms ann kohhad a chance to see how ms lai often controls the situation, and how evryone listens to her ToTALLY. woww. how mrs pang always puts on her smile to encourage us, assisting ms lai.
ms ann koh! she treats us like friends! never vent her frustrations at us, but we feel her stress and cooperates with her. another style of leadership =) great contrast with how the other teachers tactlessly scolds the slos everyday.
~mrs ann wee and ms elim chewan inspiration for all. 82 year mrs ann wee! wahhhs. super pro, sticks to her own thinking.
lovely old friend =)ms chew's soooooo friendly! a social entrepreneur =) very very interesting career.
cera nextime i tell you more =) think we'll be interested.
~people trying to boost their profilesseriously... a prelude to society perhaps. everyone knows how to get near the ministers and boost their profiles. OMGDNESs. i saw how people can fake their friendliness. LIKE SERIOUSLY. i wonder what has their school done to them.
the first thing i did after pre-u sem was to eat potato chips and watch tv!! =D dat's life mans. LOLS. =)))) and i went to sleep........... for 21 hours!! faints!. but i had many many sweet dreams!
1. my squadmates!!!!!
2. quite a few batchmates!!!!
3. animal jungle~! cartoon animals were having a gathering LOLs. i rmb seeing a baby blue elephant, baby pink colour animal and brown baby squirrels!
and i dont rmb already. lolls.
it's first of june! midyears comingyingqi wake uppp!!
pack your room
get readyy for alevels.
get it over and done with cos i want to be an active volunteer instructor =)
and pick up a sport! =) cera sohh i want to buy a green volleyball =) den we go play and den study yeah =)))
4:57 PM