Wednesday, October 15, 2008
11:06 PM
for ms lai's hand.
i want to shake ms lai's hand at college day!
shake ms lai's hand
shake ms lai's hand
shake ms lai's hand
Sunday, October 12, 2008
11:08 PM
i need some time..alone.
stop running away,
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
11:03 PM

for SOOT's sake! i posted this picture!! ahahhas.


the yogurt ice cream blended with MANGO! =)) COOKIE! STRAWBERRIES! at tj.
yummily nice~ especially nice though it looks like pOOOOO =/
ice cream taste especially yummy when you're eating with the right people =)
like ice cream at TM Mac with the people wearing the same shirt that says "07"
like ice cream at tj with the people in different uniforms called "squaddies"
like ice cream at ulu place that spells 'h-a-p-p-i-n-e-s-s"

physics lecture was fun funny wonderfuly COOL!! tis present from physics tutors =) specially picked with our names written behind =) awwww.
and mr ng kar kit is seriously super cute. =))))))) Hahahahaha.
the bangings make my heart go stomp stomp dee tham dee da tham!
ignite this fire. ignite this passion.
25 days.
for my squadmates,
i can do it!
Monday, October 06, 2008
12:37 AM
Run for Hope! =)
great great time laughing in Swensens =) "FREAKINGLYYYY" hahahaha.
fluff, gay, choo, nini OHseven =) and it rained today!
but i know i cannot do this anymore till 43 days later.
i want to feel more secure =/
Sunday, October 05, 2008
12:59 AM
Thursday, October 02, 2008
10:30 PM
went to makan with tang today!
and then we went cc study =)) productive productive.
pau came find us! wheees.
sooming called and then me pau soot talked on da phone for 1plus hour~ i miss dat sooooot's voice!
den was messenging cera, simin, kirstie regarding saturday. EXCITING!!
awww my squadmates make me happy inside out =))
this morning i was feeling so insecure! =(
den i heard "a little less conversation" over my new red exciting phone! and i thought of guozhong dancing, and all the crazy times and OHHH dat seriously made me....safer and more confident of myself when i think of my batchmates =))
EXCited to meet up with batchmates this sunday!! RUN FOR HOPE ;D
i can see my GAY, CHOO, FISHNI, FLUFF, JUnJIe! wheees
next week last week of schooool =( gonna miss my schoolmates~the volleyball peeps! the no5s! the random pple!
awww i wana be part of your life now and then! ahahah.
it's october 2. THIRTY-ONE 31 days to Alevels.
no more distractions! it's time to sit at the table and internalize the contents.
it's time it's time.