Monday, March 30, 2009
12:18 AM
Just saw the email from Jeslynn regarding ALPHA OUTING!!! =))))))))))))
hahahahaha!!! yays! i was... smiling thruout the maiL! hahahaha. from their retardednes. LOL.
but arh! it's these people who keeps me motivated! =))
haha previously i wasnt blogggiing, so i missed talking about the vip 1009 camp. haha aww! but yeah. just a quick summmary! other than my own vip camp! that was the bestt redcross event! memorable and happpy! =)) hahaha yays!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
1:08 AM
preparing for our saturdays
it's happening now!
i think it's just a ...blissful moment now. haha!
we're msn-ing, messaging, and on the phone earlier talking about our day tomorrow!
esther's packing newspaper for her evac tml. hahaha like some garung guni who found 28 august 2008 papers!
zhenluan and myself... ironing uniform nowwww! thinking of smoking through attire tml!
evelyn agreeed to us smoking thru!
jingni's discussing about evac tml (highly doubtful hahaha!)
derek was talking about his yelllow nametag! (and sleeping now!)
and i know shwuyueh from china is preparing to miss us! cos we're thinking of her i'm sure!.
and we got a message to wear our batch jerseys!
haha i switched off the iron switch while blogging thiss! =))
hahaha. i realise ironing my uniform makes me somewhat calm, and peaceful. haha
i dont know why!
maybe because... it's uniform! wont even think of smoking through it. =)
ha! so here's one blissful moment in my redcross life with batchmates!
Friday, March 27, 2009
12:23 AM
yays just got home and bathed! =))
yesterday i was out with yong yun yun! =))))
we went makan dinner and post office to send in application forms and haha! everything just seems extrordinary funny when we're hanging out. hahaha! and the mr neo look-sound-behave-alike! HAHAHA. i can still rmb the tune He was HUmming toooO! Hahahahahaha we almost burst out laughing infront of hIm! he seems so happy at work.
oh i think my work is getting bettter! much more meaningful den before. cos it's getting SO STRESSSFUL NOW! haha. but yeah at least i feeel useful! den i'll be happier! but seriously stresssful!
and den we went BEDOK MCCAFE hahah! (filza our downtown mac with the entire ZOO!) and i drank one of myf avourites =) HOt choCOlate!
den we started walking back home from 10plus pm. and we had a super lonnnnng talk. =) about everything back in mj mostly. and i almost cried to her! cos arh! cos. cos. i miss my old good friend. =(( he is kuku's owner. and forever forever jj is part of whatever i'm thinking. haha. only kuku's owner knows who on earth is jj. =)
den i hugged yunyun at our hse carpark! HAHA! we are one overhead bridge away! :D
in the middle of the road! =) awww quek loves yunyun!
den today! on the way back home, i saw ZHU MEI ZHU! she heard my voice saying " eh that's my fren" den we saw each other! hahaha and she gave me one MS BITE! hahaha. lols. she dumbdumb! hahahs faster go apply k =)) so happpy to see her eh =) den i'll think of ah zhi and joanna! ahahs and the number 5s =)

yays! the great bunch of councillors =)
PIGKAI's coming back tml! oh TODAY! =)))))) back from army! :D
my friends brought colours to my life just like how the pretty colours brighten this white blog! hahaha. much more colours to my life infact =))
friends are the best gifts in life aint it?
note aside: 110% gay and gay fish are so happy for the hairless gay we cant stop smiling! HAHAHA so retarded!
we chanced upon this great song! " when i see you smile" =) wonderful lyrics =)
when i see you smile, everything's alright! yea!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
11:42 PM
she can join us in dinner!!! and late night outings. and she doesnt spam my fone with "how to go to clinics in chaichee" hahahaha.
was on da fone for more than TWO hOURs with pam and melina just now!
28 march~ my farewelll from tkgrcy! =) yays feeels nice talking to them!
that 's the pure passion in redcross. and not............
let pictures do some bloggging! i'm.. speechless
+marley and me

and recently. i'm missing how these people once worked tgt! =)

haha i know something's wrong with me recently. very very disoriented.
i'm not moving very much forward and i know it myself!
omgay! gay Just showed me this convo. that iscomplete nonsense and testament to the complicated passion im seeing recently. complicated, tainted and not pure at all.
just something to scream about in my blog! quoting from my mentor,
people have mouths to tell you and influence you, but YOU HAVE BRAINS TO THINK FOR YOURSELF!
dont believe in everything they say! think and find proof for yourself! Everybody has their choiCe! ThINK before yOU make YOurs.
dont let the efforts from your true mentors go to waste by taking in passerbys' words.
there are just so many SO MANY trying to taint some pure passion.
quek doesnt like this at all. AT ALL.
2:50 AM
can you compose a song?
about.. =)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
12:37 AM
i realise ive been frowning alot recently.. *frowns again!
i went tkgrcy campfire ytd! it was a combined one with other ugs.
haha. there were 11 squaddies in total! =))) yays! squaddies love.
and saw many many juniors =)) omg we broke a bench? HAHAH!
hmmm i'm going to leave them VI-less?
just cant bear seeing juniors stressed up at camp..... ahhhh.
i had the urge to change into redcross tee and join them for camp programme.
they make me wana take leave from work!
and i din really catch up with my squadmates at the fountain ahah sorrrry.
just cant bear to see my juniors left alone! =X
they met with some prob after campfire, they looked so serious in their discussion at the canteen.. and i hopped in! tried to find out what happened.
all the rest were shaking their heads and telling me "nothing maam". =(
of course i insisted to find out! so i looked to pam.
the rest continued to shake their heads telling her not to say.
but pam shoook her head lightly and she answered me.
ahhhhs i felt like hugging her at that moment! for trusting.
it was as if my efforts were put to test. and her answers were my test results.
moore than just worthwhile!
finally squeezed some time from pamela and melina to talk to me! hahahaha.
and we had FUN! =))))) haha dat's secret!
i like to see melina's super dao face trying to hide her smile from me but always failllled. hahas
i like to see pamela, standing tall and strong! Calm Composed Confident, she's got it all!
while i'm losing mine, my juniors became my source of motivation too.
for them, i wanted to take leave at work!
but for them, i went to work and OT till super late and hungry!
all this talk abt junior and senior, monkey is not forgotten! maam sarah! ahahas.
this is a longggg blog. cos was too tired to blogg last night.
there's so many lessons i learn everyday, recently.
maybe that's what makes me frownn =X
from work.
from the things i see everyday
from the way i feel.
i'm frowning againnn! that's badddd!
and i'm still replying on med to keep me steady! =(
i need some proper sleeeep!
quek needs to organise her life now!. to keep in pace with everything around her..
i'm going cruise on 3 april! YAYs! =)
even my blog is so nottt organised now, den my brain howww!
habit is a really really bad thing.
habit makes me sad when i lose my usual things.
habit makes me sad when i shift house.
habit makes me sad when i can no longer keep that habit.
habit used to make me happy.
habit used to make me comfortable in old house.
habit used to make me feel loved.
aww =( i cant fight habits.
QUEK! you can do it!?
it has been super long since i can say that to myselff confidently!
but quek! i know you can do it. =)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
12:58 AM
i receive an email from my beloved monkey, from my beloved mentor! =)
hahaha wait for my snaiiillll mail okays. hahas. i'm sending it over this weeek!
tgt with fluffy's snail! =)
Friday, March 13, 2009
3:46 PM
haha hellos my rainbow blog!
reading tay shwu yueh's blog makes me really wana go overseas.
hahas too bad i cant afford to go overseas to study! =X
if there's exchange programme in uni, i'll work super hard for it!
and stay far far away from this place.
not that i dont like this place, but i wana explore the outside world.
i need to be pulled away from this lovely place for a whiile, so that i'll treasure everything much more. =)
for now... we'll pray hard for
that trip ! =))
haven really been answering these questions..
" where you wana study?"
"are you going to try for scholarships"
"which course you taking? "
hahas sorrry! but i need to think on my own before i talk abt it with anyone.
ohoh! i just came back from the doctor, and she said " inner ear inflammation"
like ohmy! sounds super cool larh. serious! cos she did this test on me before she conclude.
now i knowww. hahhaha.
going hq for ulp mtg! and linka mtg!
and i'm..... going to tell my juniors and yo dat im nt gng back tkg le. hahas.
cos........................... i told myself fdc09 was my last event =)
and im proud of my juniors for their achievement =)
feeling accomplished and done with my task there,
it's time to spend all precious time with batchmates =)
not going for runaway/swimaway till we see things going the right way, till we see our efforts not wasted.
when our leaders are leaving for a reason, we know we should continue their mission. right? =)
even if the road gets tougher.
Monday, March 09, 2009
12:10 AM
sometimes i really care!
just that you dont believe it.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
12:22 AM
haha quek feels like telling the whole world she misses tay shwu yueh now.
i've always believed that relationships worked two ways.
just when you're thinking of a friend, she'll be thinking of us too.
fluffy tay shwu yueh must be thinking of us now! for we are.
just leave the airport, make as much noise as we can, laugh as loud as we want,
keeping ourselves occupied with whatever things we find. we thought it'd be fine.
but it simply isnt the case once we leave the crowd. ='(
i'm quite certain we feel the same way..
i cannot cannot imagine if gay goes overseas, stonefish goes away, derek choo guozhong zhenluan evelyn junjie ahhhhh
and i'm thankful that they are not leaving.
ohseven =(
i nevevr knew i would miss a friend this much.
this sudden realisation of friendship is making me treasure each and every one of my batchmates more and more and more. i just wana spend every precious minute around my batchmates.
i love ohsevens
somethings aside,
please mean what you say.
do you not know the meaning of friendship?
A level results are coming out on 6 march! ahhhs,
i wont forget how happy esther, derek, shwuyueh and jingni were when i ended my As. ahhas,
they were more excited than i was! hahs,
sorry to every every body! cos i feel so moodless recently =( and i realie dont feel like talking.