Friday, February 26, 2010 11:42 PM

): i feel so tired and stressed ):
dear Lord, please be my strength...

with smiles,

12:59 AM

i think the greatest lesson Jesus has taught me ... is family values.

family is almost the most important thing to an aries. haha and that's me! and christopher too!
(aries rocks! ahahaha)

Lord told me to behave myself and be good when i talk to my parents, in every circumstances,
even when i feel unjustified and angry and upset and hurt, Lord tells me to be good.
It was so so difficult to be good initially. To be good and not argue when i felt unworthy and unjustified wasnt the hardest thing to do, it was to reply back in a peaceful manner, presenting an loving attitude to a wronged treatment.

i beseeched for Jesus to be the one doing the difficult job for me.
and He did...
i prayed, and listened, prayed and listened, prayed and listened.
the cycle repeats itself.
and finally, things really got better.
relationships within the family got much better!
and to act in the acts of Jesus brings happiness, peace and harmony in the family.
even though my family members are not receivers of Christ,
Christ blesses the believer and his household.
Hold on tight to your faith... i believe they will see the change in us.

thank You Jesus.. =)
it's not going to be a one-time miracle, but a miracle for you to sustain.
if you would choose to listen to Jesus once.....

i hope i get to go for mission trip this june/ july to... enrich my christian life ? haha. maybe!
meanwhile.. jiayous for your studies!

with smiles,

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:07 AM

it's such a random feeling to blog now!

it's 2.09am and ahhh i should prepare for my project mtg and redcross trng tml righttttttttt :(
came back from malaysia around 11pm just now!
my trip was..... hehhs. lotsa bumpy travelling and whole lotsa waiting time. waiting for something to happen and i reallie dont like it!

but it was a great great time with my i-see-him-twice-a-year cousin :))
i remember and i doubt i will forget how i used to play with this cousin of mine when we were reall young. we played a "saving-ants" game. hahaha.
his name is wei ji! he is one year younger than me but he is so so matured. he's shouldering the financial load of the family. i bought a shirt for him this new year! and awwwww, he looked so touched, he offered me chocolates! it says original belgian chocolate on the cover. hahaha the BEST chocolate someone gave me. i love wei ji :) his smile just feels so brotherly to me.

and this super naughty and noisy girl, her name is siu chin. haha she is 6 years old and ahhhhhhhh. she really annoys me sometimes, when i want some quiet time on the car. HAHA. but she, held my hand and gave me a kiss on my hand today! den her eyes looked so teary, it was SO RANDOM but awww :)

sometimes i just love how these festive seasons brings everyone tgt. haha like 10% level of likeness :X ! lols. cos it would bring me outa my comfort zone to do something.....nobody feels like doing lar. though not closely closely knitted when we see each other, but it's your choice to whether to bring yourself closer to others. and make that moment a happy one!

today, i went with my parents and relatives to a temple by the beach, backfacing the temple, looking towards the pretty pretty vast sky and sea, i spoke to my Father, i sang to Jesus. i felt like the Corinthians part. and know really clearly that Jesus looked right into your heart. He doesnt care about your environment. i hope i dont forget this moment.
the sea was so calm and welcoming, what if Jesus appeared to me and asked me walk on the sea. i know my faith is not strong enough. Peter? what if Jesus called me home that moment..

kinship, have to be built.

hmmmmm i dont feel like talking anymore. haha, so some random summaries of my thoughts recently!

"Made in God, so why should you judge yourself"
"i see russell rusty and seanie sean standing beside me! AHH hahaha"
"that would be the last time i sing for you..:("
"joyce is really important is my spiritual life"
"i love Jesus"
"Thank You Father"
"byebye shuhui, byebye shernise, byebye guozhong :( "
"i cant cant cant wait for thursday bbq! friday qianiweni and my wedding comm at mj! and DANCE starts this saturday!"
"i love cherlia!!!! (she came to my lecture to pass me a flower ! SWEEEET to the max larh)
"im 50 and what would become of me after CNY!"
"selamat tahun baru cina"

HAHA OH MY. i went to malaysia and ordered " maaf, dua kentang putur besar" den she said something i din catch, but i said "ya," and i smiled at her before i go off saying terima kasih~! and she smiled back! that was her FIRST smile of her service but YAYYYYYYYY! that was a totally successful prooooud-of-myself moment. wahahaha. cinta bahasa malayu siall. HAHAHA. sial is some random slang i learnt in mj. hahaha.

anyways, it's such a happening and busy chinese new year! :X heh. you you you you you guys will be in my prayers. have i mentioned? prayers are really amazing.
i love my home! i love my cat! i love my family!

you can love yours too, if you get outa where you are right now, dont you realise you are tooooo comfortable at where you're standing now? you dont try to reach out for something that is hard to get by standing on the spot. make a move. make a loving move.

with smiles,

Round & round & round,
In the Circle Game;

promises of someday
this is me;

quek ying qi , as of 10th april '90. She loves 3013-53 + 07ohsevens + her cat (:
I'm going to be a ohwells, not decided! she likes food! and people and play!

captive on the carousel of time
behind from where we came